No matter what type of artistic profession you are in, it requires a whole lot of patience, practice, and effort. Apart from those three, you also need the equipment. If you are a musician, you need instruments, if you are a dancer, you will need shoes and outfits, and if you are a photographer or videographer, you will not only need great cameras but also software to process your shots.
While we are at processing the photos and videos topic, it occurs to us, that you are likely to use Photoshop for your edits and touches. But why photoshop is so expensive?
Well, there are many reasons behind that. Sure you can get a pirated copy and work with it. But if you are a professional, you know what are the benefits of having paid software. The main reasons behind Photoshop being so costly is the amount of time they invest in developing the software, keeping it up to date, fixing bugs, maintaining it, and adding new features every year.
There are a few other reasons that you should need to know to know before you start cursing at the price tag.

Top 6 Reasons Why Photoshop Is So Expensive | An Worthy Investment
How much does a good burger cost these days? A bowl of Ramen? A pair of good-sounding earbuds?
All of these will perish over time. But software is almost indestructible if you look at it that way. Which is a bit dramatic, but realistic. Here are the top 6 reasons why Photoshop is expensive and how it is worth your bucks.
1. Features And Updates
Adobe Photoshop is one of the leading, if not the most used graphic apps. The reason behind it is its features. You get to have all the customizations, editable options, and intricate detailing in one place. Also, they can be transferred to other apps where you can edit them although it is a Photoshop file. Moreover, you get updates regularly. Which all costs money, time, and effort. Hence, the cost goes up.
2. Development And Innovation
Talking about updates, Photoshop was first introduced back in the 90s. So it has been a long time since they were in the market. Sure there are other options. But what makes them unique is that there is a whole lot of dedication in their development and innovation. Whatever an artist requires, Adobe puts it into their next update. With careful precision, without compromising any quality and service, the development and innovative ideas do come with a cost. You pay a little bit for their plans.

3. Creative Cloud Bundle
One of the best parts of using an Adobe app is you get not only Photoshop but also a whole range of their product. This is called the Creative Cloud, where you can go for over 20+ apps. Although you are starting with Photoshop or using only that, you don’t know what other software you might need. And with a little bit of a monthly fee, it’s basically a steal!
4. The Cost Of The Innovators, For The Innovators
Real people, over 21,000 of them, work behind the scene in Adobe, let alone Photoshop. With this huge number of innovators, thinkers, developers, and testers, there comes the topic of return. Like anyone else, they need to be paid for their effort, time, and ideas. And where would they get the funds if the app is free of cost?
5. Support And Timely Feedback
There are not only new features, innovations, and updates, but also a whole team working to support you. And whatever issues you face, you get to report to Adobe directly. Unlike other app developers, Adobe takes every complaint and problem from its users seriously. So support and feedback is impeccable.
6. The Industries Platinum Standard
If there is a Grand Master in the graphic design scene, then it would be Photoshop. All the others in the game are mere images of themselves. So they have to develop, think and deliver something out of the ordinary, not by following others, but by creating something for themselves. Which is hard to get. This makes them the industry standard, which is a deal worth paying.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions and Answers)
Is there a way to get Photoshop cheaper?
The cheaper Photoshop option is the student or teacher subscription, which costs a lot less than an individual package. Also, you can go for the pay one-time or monthly subscription to get your work done for only $10.
Is it possible to buy Photoshop permanently?
No. Sadly there is no permanent Photoshop subscription or buying option. You can only pay a monthly or yearly fee for your plan.
Is it worth getting Photoshop?
Yes. If you are a professional and frequently use Photoshop, then it is worth getting Photoshop. As the features give you the privilege to use all its features (Even the monthly plans), you get a whole lot for the price.
Photoshop has been in the market for a very long time. And now, you can even get a monthly subscription rather than a whole year. Which is a great deal if you are learning. Without paying the whole $700, you can get to use all its premium features for $10 a month. Which is a bargain in today’s market. And if you are not restricted to any updates, you get it all. Hence, the huge Priceline.